September 6 , 2008
Happy 5th birthday Ewan! as relatives and a few visitors greeted Ewan as they come into the house. It was just only a small and simple family gathering and with some close friends and a few neighbors.
The celebration started at 4pm with Ewan leading the prayer before meal.
I remember how i smiled seeing Ewan lead the prayer , making the sign of the cross with his left hand , and reciting the prayer before meal , the usual prayer they do before recess at school.
Here's how we prayed:

"In the name of the Father , in the name of the Father , the Son , the Son , the Holy Spirit , the Holy Spirit . Amen , Amen."
"Bless us Oh Lord , Bless us Oh Lord..."
repeating every word twice.
I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear , after we prayed.
We asked him to make a wish before he blew the 5 candles.
Its quite amusing to know how our son who's now grown up. Its hard to imagine how time flies so quickly. It was like last year he was One and now he's already Five.
I remember we used to call him "baby" or Baby Ewan before when we like to call his attention, now we already call him "Kuya" or Kuya Ewan.

Now , things have changed , he calls me in the office , and all the time asking me to bring pizza (his favorite) when i go home.
Sometimes, he calls and asks me what he is watching on TV , and even if i'm only left guessing since i'm in the office.. i can only think of his three(3) favorite TV/DVD shows he watches often.
We'll , if its not Animals or Horses , he is watching his ever favorite "Thomas a

For me as a parent , never had i looked back thinking if i have missed anything as a parent,
Nor did i put any expectations on my kids ,or any wishes.
But as for Ewan's birthday wishes before blowing his candle.
I never bothered to asked him , he would not tell me anyway.
Only he knows it in his heart.